Holiday Chakra Shake Up 

It’s the holiday season in 2020, and a lot has happened this year. Maybe you feel upside down, turned around, or too tired to even think. So let’s give our chakras a little love this season and balance everything out with some holiday cheer…Off the yoga mat!

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MULADARA: The Root Chakra

The element associated with the root chakra is smell, so light a scented candle and get in touch with your roots! Open that old family photo album that’s been gathering dust and walk down memory lane.

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SVADISTHANA: The Sacral Chakra

The element associated with the second chakra is water. This chakra is creative and fluid, so besides drinking an extra glass of H2O, play that funky music and get your groove thing on! 

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MANIPURA: The Solar Plexus

This fiery chakra is associated with transformation. It’s time to hop in that kitchen and transform these 3 ingredients into something hot and delicious…Hot Chocolate!

1 1/2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
1 tablespoon of sugar
1 cup of milk or milk alternative (I’m a fan of oat milk, myself. Almond milk is also a great alternative!)

If you want to add that extra “je ne sais quoi,” add a dash of vanilla extract*

Place all ingredients into a sauce pain and stir consistently over medium heat.

Serve while hot.

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ANAHATA: The Heart Chakra

We all need some extra love in our lives, and that is what the heart chakra is all about. So from now until the New Year, look at yourself in the mirror each morning and say these magical words: I love you. 

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VISHUDHA CHAKRA: The Throat Chakra

Your fifth chakra is daring you to speak your truth and really listen. This chakra is all about communication, so gather a group of five friends for a virtual holiday joy-chat. Give them the task of writing a mini poem about the joy they experienced this year. Spend these cheerful minutes sharing your words and listening with an open heart. 

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AJNA: The Third Eye

The 6th chakra is the command center, and when it’s out of balance we over-think OR we have no focus whatsoever!

So find a quiet corner in a quiet room

Or a quiet corner in the bathroom

Or nuzzle under the bed

Or sneak behind the heavy coats in the closet

Or make a fort out of every pillow in the house! 

Ok, so when you find that super secret quiet spot, sit down, close your eyes, and place your hands on your belly. Start to breathe into your hands and feel your belly move up and down. Keep breathing. And breathing. And breathing. And notice, after a few breaths…

How do you feel?

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SAHASRARA: The Crown Chakra

The 7th chakra is the crown. So don your Energetic Crown proudly and go out for a blissful walk. Breathe in the fresh air and find 7 reasons to smile.


The Universe Jar


Earth Day Mindfulness